Monday, July 12, 2010


1. i really don't understand Canadian humor. it's a strange combination a dry-wit, crude jokes and rudeness. this, combined with the terrifying nature of bujagali falls in the Nile river, does not make for a pleasant experience with a Canadian "tour" guide.

2. i saw someone get shot while I was visiting a town called Fort Portal. the driver of a car of stolen goods refused to stop his car at a police checkpoint, and so the police barracaded the car, and then shot the driver in the leg. just goes to show that those 1995 ak-47's all the police carry around actually have bullets.

3. one time, a blind ugandan man literally sat in my lap on the matatu ride back to Kampala after doing some field work in katosi

4. dust is the equivalent of oxygen, although less desired and more unhealthy

5. bananas can be made into anything and are served at every meal. you can steam them, roast them, boil them, mash them, fry them, bake them, saute them, any-way-you-can-possibly-think-to-cook-something them

6. i've seen a whopping total of 2 stoplights in this entire country

7. mutant bananas are not rare and can often come in "twins". it's kind of freaky.

8. you can, in fact, be in two places at once (see photo for proof)

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