Sunday, June 13, 2010

a typical night in lungujja

Reasons why last night was the worst night of sleep of my entire life:

- Ate dinner at 10 (indigestion?)
- My pillow has the same consistency as a flat rock
- The neighborhood dogs started howling and bawling at 3.30 am and did not stop until 4 am
- Before I went to sleep, Vaal informed me that our house has a "history of being broken into", paranoia ensues as I lay in bed thinking that the sound of dripping water outside is actual the sound of someone walking around trying to get inside
- The incessant buzzing around my head was in fact a mosquito trapped INSIDE my mosquito net. Defeating the purpose entirely.
- Finally turned on my fan to perturb the mosquito and distract myself.
- 5 minutes later: rustling of plastic bag coming from the closet informed me that the mouse had returned to snack on Scarlet's cookies. Tried to ignore it, but I soon realized that the mouse would simply keep eating, so I got up and scared him out of the closet. Mouse 1, me 1.
- Got back in bed, but paranoia about mosquitoes, mice, and robbers prevented any form of sleep from coming.
- By this point I've been awake for about 3 hours.
- started to read in my bed and then I heard the sound of doors creaking and bolts being unlocked, signaling that it was about time to wake-up anyways.
- Around 6.30 - Roosters started crowing, birds started chirping, pots were being cleaned, children were running around shouting as they headed off to school.
- Total hours of sleep = 3
- Total hours of laying in bed trying to sleep = 7.

Epic. Fail.

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